Serving Eastern Ontario

Nucs-2024 - Price to be Advised SOLD OUT

To order please send an email to and include how many and a phone number you can be reached at.     We will confirm later on in Mar/April to see if you still want them and at that time will ask for a non-refundable deposit to hold them.  Any other questions just give us a call


Trait Selection

Our breeding is based on trait selection rather than attempting to breed a specific race. We are focused on selecting for:

1) Survival of the fittest; early pollen gathering and build up. Grafting from colonies that are treatment free and show mite resistance.

2) Honey Production; our highest yielding colonies are brought to our mating yard.

3) Gentleness; rated on a 5 point scale. Any aggressive, running on comb, intense robbing traits are not tolerated. These queens are culled. Our bees are very gentle.